Monday 27th September
My brain is starting to be naughty again. Is it punnishment for being a bit naughty this weekend?
My Naughty Three
- Friday: one wine and a shot of vodka in a pint of soda (I was trying to drink slowly whilst everyone else drank 50 drinks) plus (oops) another glass of wine. NAUGHTY
- Saturday: half a lady-beer at lunch and a glass of wine at our friends' house...but the glass of wine was an enormous gothic goblet and it got a refill. NAUGHTY x 2
- Sunday: no exercise at all...only left the house once to put something in the garage. DIABOLICAL.
- Never remember to bring a tissue on morning runs which I'm sorry to say are fantastically snotty affairs - requiring me to wipe my snot on my hands...touche brain
- Washing the snot off my hands this morning, then realised I'd already done that about 10 seconds we are talking senility territory
- The alpaccas (which I've been mistakenly calling llamas) were nowhere to be seen on this week's walks...until today when they saw me coming, had a look, and then walked over the hill in disgust. This picture shows how angry they are.