Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Let's Get Mental

Hello friends,

I’ve been doing my new brain regime for three days, during the hardest name-learning week of my life, with mixed results…

Wednesday – My first day as teaching assistant in a primary school.  Fannied around in the morning so didn’t get my exercise done before work.  Naughty.
Naughty brain: Failed to learn the names of 5 children…there will be 20 tomorrow.  In my defence I was only with them for 2 hours and a lot of them fall into the category of cute, white, nondescript blonde small child AND they are only 4-years old so they keep moving all the damn time.  Is it wrong to write their names on their foreheads?

Thursday - My induction at a nursery, where I was introduced to approx 20 staff and given an absolute crapload of information.  I then worked at the school and went to a networking party.  I walked a mile before and after school.

Naughty brain:
  1. Brain instantly sieved out a whopping 16 names and faces of nursery staff
  2. I still only know 10/20 children’s names in my school class and there will be 10 additional children tomorrow – HELP!

Friday – Volunteering at a creche, where I met 4 new children and 2 new staff, then I worked at school with all 60 children, then out for tea with my new friend Little T.  I walked to the creche and to school. Very good girl.

Naughty brain:
  1. Felt like the dork kid at the creche for having decaf coffee when all the cool adults were having proper coffee
  2. Late to school and missed lunch because all the walking took so flipping long
  3. Still 15 children’s names to learn, then I need to move onto next door’s class of 30 and all 30 staff, for the love of god!
All in all, I am feeling positive about this week actually.  My brain already feels a little snappier and better able to retrieve information, and I feel a bit rosier in general. Got to work extra hard though – next week I will be expected to know everyone’s name and there will be no more name tags.  Eek.

Go go gadget brain!

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