Wednesday, 15 September 2010

What's Wrong with my Brain

Day 3

8pm – Finished the last test in the book – a list of 23 things that are bad for your noodle, and if you do more than 5 of them it’s not good.  I counted 6:
  1. Not taking enough exercise
  2. Sitting for hours without walking or stretching
  3. Having more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day (if you average in the weekends then sure)
  4. Drinking too much coffee (I hardly have any but gerbil-brain ensues when I do, as we know)
  5. Needing an alarm clock to wake up
  6. Spending many hours near a computer
So I just need to stop doing all of the above, as well as the hormones and blood sugar stuff and all that.

9pm – Started part 2: ‘Your Individual Brain-Boosting Program’.  I can feel my neurons sparkling already.  Our friend Elisa Lottor, Ph.D., N.D. rousingly says:
“I hope to encourage your body to optimally produce and use neurotransmitters, protect the structure of neurons, and increase neuron growth.”
I say “saddle up Doctor L”.
10pm – I have formulated my plan.  Dr. L advises I only make 1 or 2 changes at a time and hold them for at least two weeks.  According to the book, exercise has an arseload of brain benefits including preventing blood sugar, hormone problems and depression so I choose:
  1. 1.  Exercise every single day for at least 1/2 hour…but here’s the killer: before work.  Good job my job starts at 1pm
  2. 2.  Coffee stay gone (and tea)
  3. 3.  Coffee was a lazy one since I already gave that up at the start of this blog, so I’ll also have no more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day, even if it’s a party.
I have to record my ‘mental symptoms’ every evening.

Then once everything is getting awesomer, I need to crank up the intensity.  THEN I reckon it’ll be time to start getting into meditation, karate and all that crap.

Let’s get mental!

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